Sewer + Water Line Repair

The vast majority of homeowners don't think about the important functions of the sewer line until it's too late. If you do happen to discover an issue with the sewer line and it needs a repair or replacement, you want to call a professional before the issue gets more serious.

Some Causes of Sewer Line Damage

Identifying sewer line damage can be tricky because most of the time it lies underneath the foundation of your home. Cast iron & clay sewer lines typically have the most problems and found in older homes. They deteriorate over time, break due natural shifting of the Earth and provide easy access for root erosion. The older the sewer line, the more prone it's likely to become damaged and need repair. Some common causes are:

Tree Roots -> Since the line is underground, it's prone to growing and shifting tree roots. The soil moves and weakens the structure due to temp fluctuation.

Corrosion -> Sewer line pipes are galvanized to prevent rust but corrosion can still happen. Minerals + materials moving through the pipes cause corrosion inside and create cracks.

Blockages -> Your sewer lines can face increased pressure due to harsh materials flowing or drained. Materials like cooking oil, chemicals and others cause blockages.

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